
The Dangers of Synthetic CBD: Why You Should Stick to Natural Alternatives

The Dangers of Synthetic CBD: Why You Should Stick to Natural Alternatives

In 2017, a poisoning incident attributed to synthetic marijuana left a number of people in Utah critically ill. In Chicago and neighboring regions of Illinois this spring, there were 56 complaints of serious bleeding for which synthetic cannabinoids were thought to be the substance to blame. In what the Illinois Department of Public Health described as “the first time we’ve seen an outbreak of this magnitude in the area,” two of these 56 people died.

Similar incidents were reported in Connecticut last summer, where more than 70 individuals died after overdosing on synthetic marijuana. About 300 synthetic marijuana overdoses occurred in Washington, D.C., over the course of two weeks just a month prior.

Simply put, you should never take CBD oil that is synthetic.

The Crisis of Synthetic Cannabinoids

It’s not unusual to experience negative effects from synthetic cannabis. If you will, you might say that there is an issue with human consumption of synthetic cannabinoids in America. In what has turned into an increasingly common practice, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have identified multiple cases of synthetic cannabis poisoning across the nation.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a statement in July 2018 alerting the public to the “significant health risks of contaminated illegal synthetic cannabinoid products” and connecting their use to “severe illnesses and deaths” in several cases over the previous few months in different states across the nation.

One type of artificial cannabinoid is made to resemble the effects of marijuana. People who want to get high but can’t have any THC in their system for any reason now have a good option that won’t show up on a drug test.

However, the poison outbreaks that occurred in Utah last winter were a little different. The people who got sick didn’t buy the synthetic cannabinoid known as “K2” or “Spice.” They purchased what they thought was CBD. They ended up in the emergency department rather than enjoying the health advantages of non-psychoactive cannabis.

Know the Risks Associated with Synthetic Cannabinoids

In the U.S., synthetic cannabinoids first became commercially available in 2008, and since then, their use has exploded all throughout the nation. Synthetic cannabinoids, however, are very, very harmful since they are not the same as cannabinoids that are derived from the natural plant.

According to the CDC, the majority of synthetic cannabinoids are prohibited by federal law. Manufacturers of synthetic cannabinoids change the chemical makeup in order to circumvent this problem, creating new and “presumably legal” substances.

It is challenging to keep track of the chemicals used in synthetic cannabinoids since producers are continually altering their chemical makeup to remain “legal.” Products using synthetic cannabinoids may contain ingredients that have the potential to have very different effects from what the user was looking for because the chemical makeup of many synthetic cannabinoids is unknown and continually changing.

In the instance of overdoses reported in Illinois, brodifacoum, a rat poison frequently available in hardware shops that is a known anticoagulant and has been proven to cause brain damage, was blamed for the serious bleeding in over 50 people and two fatalities. Although this is the first instance of rat poison being discovered in synthetic cannabis products, it is still unclear how it got there.

Research on the precise effects of synthetic cannabis on the body is scant. But it is understood that they are incredibly hazardous. And unlike naturally occurring cannabinoids like THC and CBD, they are also known to be physically and mentally addictive, in addition to having a long list of undesirable side effects.

The CDC lists the following as some of the consequences of synthetic cannabinoids:

  1. symptoms of the nervous system include irritability, insomnia, lightheadedness, disorientation, trouble focusing, incoordination, stroke, and seizures.
  2. aggressive behavior, delusions, hallucinations, psychosis, and suicidal thoughts are examples of psychiatric symptoms.
  3. physical signs include mortality, renal failure, rhabdomyolysis, severe nausea and vomiting, tachypnea, tachycardia, chest discomfort, and heart attack.

Physical and psychological dependence has been observed to form in people who use synthetic cannabis repeatedly over extended periods of time without experiencing a strong reaction the first time they do. Extreme anxiety, headaches, difficulties sleeping, sweating, nausea, and vomiting are among the effects that regular users of synthetic cannabinoids describe. They should expect to experience some very serious withdrawal symptoms, including seizures, a fast heartbeat, trouble breathing, heart palpitations, and chest discomfort, if they stop using them quickly. Depending on how much and how long a person uses, the intensity of withdrawal will vary.

Beware of Synthetic CBD: They’re Not Just Designed to Simulate THC’s Effects

Due to CBD’s rising popularity, new “synthetic” forms of cannabinoids are constantly making their way into goods. While the FDA did approve Epidiolex, a synthetic form of CBD, it’s important to note that this is not the same as the synthetic CBD found on the shelves at your neighborhood smoke shop.

Artificial and synthetic cannabinoids affect everyone Consider the events that occurred in Utah in December. All of the patients who were affected by the poisoning had consumed what they thought to be CBD-infused cannabis oil, and many of them had bought it from a nearby smoke shop. None of the items that patients had used had any CBD when lab testing was done on them. Instead, they were a mixture of artificial chemicals and cannabinoids, including 4-cyano-CUMYL-BUTINACA (4-CCB), a man-made cannabinoid designed to mimic the effects of THC.

Synthetic cannabinoids, like 4-CCB, function on the same cannabinoid receptors as THC, but their effects can be unexpected, severe, or even lethal, according to Roberta Horth, an officer with the CDC’s Epidemic Intelligence Service. According to case-patient reports of 4-CCB adverse effects, they seem more severe than THC. The use of 4-CCB has been linked to fatalities in Europe.

Since then, there haven’t been any cases of synthetic CBD overdoses, but this is a trend that isn’t anticipated to stop anytime soon. With other synthetic cannabinoid drugs, it has been going on for more than ten years, but there aren’t many laws in place for CBD. In essence, anybody can produce synthetic CBD, label it, and sell it as the real thing.

According to a 2017 JAMA study, up to one-third of CBD products purchased online may have inaccurate labels. It’s probable that additional goods will include 4-CCB or other harmful synthetic cannabinoids, according to Horth.

Simply Refuse to Use Synthetic CBD

Synthetic cannabis poses very significant and very real risks. It is not worth the risk of purchasing synthetic CBD. Consider the 52 patients in Utah, 33 of whom required emergency department care and.

There are a ton of fakes out there. The substances they combine and sell as CBD oil have the potential to kill you. If you’re interested in CBD, it’s essential to be sure the items you buy are created with top-grade CBD and have undergone laboratory testing rather than a combination of hazardous substances.

CBD Honey – Who Knew!?!

How Does CBD Honey Work?

Honey has been utilized for its nutritional and health advantages for thousands of years, much like cannabis. What occurs when you combine the two? We like to imagine that it is pure magic. I’d like to introduce you to CBD honey, one of the most unusual yet effective CBD-infused treats if you enjoy honey and have learned about the advantages of CBD oil.

The Basics You Need to Know

Infused with CBD, CBD honey is exactly what it sounds like.

If you’ve never heard of honey with CBD in it, be ready to be ecstatic. It offers yet another method to benefit from this cannabinoid that the world has gone wild for and is one of the top rising goods in the world of CBD.

Both honey and CBD have a previously unheard-of capacity for improving wellbeing. They form a rather potent cocktail when combined, providing a tasty solution to suit your wellness requirements.

Here, we’ll look at a few advantages of both.

Honey’s Health Benefits

Since ancient times, honey has been a mainstay of man’s natural diet. It offers a wide range of health advantages, making it much more than just a pure natural substitute for table sugar. Among these advantages are:

  • a source of antioxidants
  • Antibacterial Antimicrobial
  • favorable for cardiovascular health may reduce cholesterol levels
  • Suitable for burns and wounds

The Advantages of CBD

Premium CBD tincture from Naked Warrior Recovery – it’s no secret that CBD has become quite popular. It has been demonstrated that this non-psychoactive cannabinoid, which is present in hemp in significant proportions, has a great deal of potential to balance the body as a whole and offer a number of advantages.

It all boils down to how CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system of the body. In order to restore homeostasis, sometimes referred to as natural balance, to numerous physiological activities, CBD interacts with our natural cannabinoid receptors.

CBD continues to be used for new purposes. People use it for:

  • favor wholesome skin
  • achieve better sleep at night and keep your mood in check by supporting your joints and muscles.
  • boost general health

Honey and CBD are a great combination that works well both separately and together. Honey is a fantastic carrier for swiftly delivering CBD to the areas of your body where it is most needed since it enters the bloodstream straight.

Why Try CBD-Infused Honey?

When mixed with CBD oil, honey not only tastes great and is fantastic for your health, but it also provides additional advantages that you won’t find anywhere else.

A pleasant alternative to CBD tinctures or softgels is cannabidiol-infused honey. So, precisely how should this honey be used? We appreciate you asking. The options are essentially limitless. Here are some of our favorites.

Here are a few ways you may utilize honey that has been infused with CBD in your daily life.

1. A sweetener for tea with CBD

Tea and honey go along well. You may boost the sweetness of the mixture by adding a small amount of CBD. Even better, we like to add it to our coffee.

When you wish to sweeten whatever your cup of tea may be, Cannabidiol-infused honey is a great substitute for conventional honey. It may be used as a morning pick-me-up in a cup of Earl Grey or as a relaxing sleep support added to a cup of chamomile.

2. Spread on a sandwich with banana and peanut butter

Did you know that peanut butter contains a lot of tryptophan, the same amino acid that turkey contains, and induces sleep after a heavy Thanksgiving meal?

Tryptophan, potassium, and magnesium are all-natural muscle relaxants that are also present in bananas. The bread’s carbohydrates are also believed to promote sleep.

One of the best snacks for the night is a honey, peanut butter, and banana sandwich due to the calming effects of CBD-infused honey.

3. Add to sweeten your favorite smoothie

Smoothies with superfoods are our thing. They are among the greatest (and fastest) methods for supplying your body with the nutrients it requires to flourish. What better way to add sweetness to a smoothie than by drizzling a little CBD-infused honey on top?

In addition to being delicious, cannabidiol honey is brimming with added wellness advantages that will help you feel vibrant and your healthiest.

4. Remedy for a hangover

Here is a thing. The next time you go out and indulge in too many cocktails, honey may be the key to preventing a crippling hangover the following day. According to experts, honey is a fantastic remedy for the dreadful affects of a hangover.

Alcohol breaks down into an acetaldehyde molecule, which is harmful to the body and causes a hangover. This is what contributes to the hangover symptoms of headache, body soreness, nausea, and vomiting.

Honey’s fructose breaks down alcohol into metabolites that are less harmful than acetaldehyde. Combining this particular honey with CBD’s balancing effects may offer substantial relief from hangover symptoms without requiring the presence of dog hair – get it?

5. Organic facial

Hemp-based honey for face

Natural antibacterial honey may be beneficial for skin that is prone to acne, according to studies. While it won’t treat all cases of acne, it has demonstrated the ability to significantly lessen the appearance of pimples by draining extra fluid.

Additionally, CBD is a fantastic substance to help a clean complexion! CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system in your skin to promote equilibrium.

When it comes to encouraging healthy skin, honey with CBD in it may offer some significant advantages. Every morning or night after washing, just apply this honey to your face, let it remain for a few minutes, and then wash it off with warm water.

6. For light burns, scrapes, and cuts

The next time you have a minor cut, scrape, or burn, consider trying cannabidiol-infused honey rather of some over-the-counter salve. Apply a tiny bit of honey to the area of your body that is hurt, then wait for the natural antibacterial capabilities to start working.

Because CBD promotes skin health, it gives the honey more punch. It’s a must-have in the natural medicine cabinet for when the inevitable cut, scrape, or minor burn occurs.

How to Prepare CBD-Infused Honey at Home

It’s simple to make your own CBD honey at home. All you need is some honey and high-quality CBD oil. While buying local honey is usually better, if you can’t locate any, make sure you get the best honey you can afford.


  • 16oz of premium honey-infused CBD oil tincture
  • What you require:
  • a lidded glass jar (a mason jar works excellent).
  • Saucepan Spoon


Utilizing a spoon, transfer the honey to the glass container.

Bring to a boil a saucepan that has been filled with water up to the level of the honey in the glass.

When the pot has finished boiling, remove it from the heat and add the honey jar inside with the lid fastened loosely. The honey will thin down as it heats after about 5 minutes.

When the honey starts to become thinner, remove the cover, add the CBD tincture gently (how much you use is up to you), and mix it thoroughly to make sure it is spread evenly.

Allow the CBD to rest for around 30 minutes after you’ve added the correct serving to ensure adequate infusion.

When completed, be sure to carefully screw the lid on.

Your honey should be kept at room temperature.

How Sweet It Is: CBD Oil & Honey

They may be viewed as the ideal pairing by some.

In addition to serving as a sweetener, CBD honey has several advantages that can help you achieve wellbeing. Additionally, making it at home is really simple.

CBD-infused honey is one of the tastiest options you can make if you’re seeking another method to consume CBD on a daily basis, including CBD honey in your health regimen.

How CBD Has Helped Me After Leaving the SEAL Teams

As a retired US Navy SEAL veteran, I know all too well the physical and emotional toll that serving our country can take on a person. When I left the service, I had a litany of issues to deal with, including the emotional decompression I experienced and the effects of physical injuries I acquired during my years of service working within special operations forces. After trying various treatments and therapies, I had another SEAL brother share some CBD with me, and I started to learn more about its potential to help alleviate what I was experiencing.

I haven’t been shy about my post SEAL team life and especially the first year and a half after my retirement. I started using alcohol to self-medicate in an attempt to tone down the anger I was feeling. I also experienced physical pain throughout my body, and I wasn’t willing to commit to a life of prescription medicine that would likely harm me in the long haul rather than address my problems.

A SEAL brother of mine shared with me a bag of his CBD gummies, and I started to take them. I noticed that my pain was lessening, and I wasn’t as angry as I had been in the past. Eventually, I found myself becoming more even-tempered inside and less angry. Then I ran out of gummies, and the anger started to build again. I bought another bag of gummies, and the anger started to diminish again, and I thought, “Hey there’s something to this.”

So I started a CBD company.

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound found in the cannabis plant that has been shown to have a variety of potential health benefits. Unlike its cousin THC, which is the psychoactive compound responsible for the “high” associated with marijuana use, CBD does not produce any psychoactive effects. Instead, it interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in regulating a variety of physiological processes, including pain perception, mood, and sleep.

I wanted to create a product that was not only effective but also trustworthy and transparent. The Navy SEAL ethos is one I don’t take lightly and resonates with my personal and professional core values. I know firsthand the importance of integrity and honesty, and I wanted my company to reflect those values.

One of the main reasons I started a CBD company was to provide other veterans with an alternative to traditional pharmaceutical treatments for conditions like chronic pain, anxiety, and PTSD. Many veterans are prescribed a metric shit ton of prescription meds, including opioids for chronic pain, which can be highly addictive and have dangerous side effects. CBD, on the other hand, has been shown to have few side effects and a low risk of addiction.

In addition to providing veterans with an alternative to traditional pharmaceuticals, I wanted to create a company that supported the effort to educate and prevent veteran service members suicide, which is climbing at an alarming rate. It’s something I speak of when I travel and address business leaders across the country.

Starting a CBD company, not only as a retired Navy SEAL veteran from Naval Special Warfare but as a small business owner, has not been without its challenges. There is still a lot of stigma surrounding cannabis and CBD, and it can sometimes be difficult to navigate the complex legal landscape. However, I believe that the potential benefits of CBD are worth the effort, and it’s an established alternate form of treatment for many. I think we’re still at the beginning of really understanding what CBD oil can do for the active service members of our armed forces as well as our veterans. In my opinion, this is our new mission – to combat the individual forces that separate us from living our best life and focus on post-career care. Negligence, ignorance, and stagnation for treatment is our new enemy.

If you want to learn more about how I cultivate a strong mindset and apply the use of CBD in my life, check out a recent podcast I was a guest on as I talk about all of this.

Why Living a Life Without Regrets Requires Embracing Failure

Regret is a powerful emotion that can linger in our minds for years, haunting us and holding us back from fully embracing life. As someone who has lived through many challenges and successes, I have come to the realization that I hate living with regrets. I have very few things that I deeply regret doing in life, but those that I do continue to serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of pushing forward and never giving up. Failure has taught me more than any educational institution could ever come close to teaching.

Regret Can Haunt You If You Let It

As a Navy SEAL, I learned firsthand the value of pushing past my limits and taking risks. During my time in the military, I faced countless obstacles and challenges that tested my physical and mental strength. In many cases, I failed to meet these challenges head-on and was left with the haunting feeling of deep regret until I learned how to take the pressure I was feeling and turn it into power.

However, it was through these failures that I learned some of the most valuable lessons of my life. Failure taught me the importance of perseverance and determination. I learned that success is not guaranteed but that the willingness to try and fail over and over again can lead to incredible achievements.

Many people are embarrassed by their failures and try to hide them from the world. But I have always believed that failures should be celebrated as valuable learning opportunities. I display my failures like trophies because those failures are the foundation for all of my success!

I learned the importance of failure and how it can shape us into better, more effective leaders. The SEAL training program is one of the toughest in the world, and failure is an inevitable part of the process. But it’s how we respond to that failure that separates the successful candidates from the rest.

In SEAL training, we were taught to embrace our failures and use them as learning opportunities. We were encouraged to take risks and push ourselves to the limit, even if it meant failing in the process. This mindset allowed us to grow and develop as individuals and as a team, and it was a key factor in our success on the battlefield. SEALs are set up to fail every day, and we become conditioned to think critically, work together, and break through our barriers. Failing is second nature to us because it’s what teaches us to succeed.

The same principles apply to leadership. Leaders who are willing to take risks and learn from their failures are more likely to achieve success than those who are afraid to fail. Failure is not a sign of weakness; it’s a sign that we are pushing ourselves beyond our comfort zones and striving for something greater.

Those Who Fear The High Cost Of Failure Deeply Regret Quitting

As a leadership coach, I often draw on my own experiences as a Senior Chief in the military and in civilian life. My failures as a leader have taught me more than any book or training course ever could. When working with clients, I encourage them to embrace their failures and learn from them. The ability to acknowledge and learn from our mistakes is what separates successful leaders from those who struggle to achieve their goals.

In my experience, I have seen many individuals who are afraid to take risks or make tough decisions because they fear failure or regret. But by avoiding failure, they are also avoiding the potential for growth and development. The most successful leaders are those who are willing to face their fears and take calculated risks, even if it means failing in the process.

Can You Risk Living With The Cost Of Failure If Your Only Regret Is Not Trying?

Failure is not the end of the road. It’s simply a setback that can be overcome with perseverance and determination. When we fail, we have two choices: we can either give up and let the disappointment of our failure define us, or we can take them head on and push ourselves to become better.

I have experienced failure in many different forms. But each time I failed, I used it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Those failures have helped shape me into the person and leader I am today, and I am grateful for each and every one of them.

One of the most important lessons I learned from my failures was the value of taking risks. In the military, taking risks can mean the difference between life and death. But even in civilian life, taking risks is essential to achieving your desired outcomes. Without taking risks, we limit ourselves and miss out on valuable opportunities.

Of course, taking risks also means accepting the possibility of failure. Failure teaches us resilience, adaptability, and determination. These qualities are essential for anyone who wants to achieve their goals, whether they are personal or professional.

Avoid The Impact of Deep Regret And Practice Gratitude

Perhaps the most important of all the lessons I have learned from my failures is the value of gratitude. While it is easy to focus on our regrets and failures, it is important to also be grateful for the lessons they teach us. Gratitude helps us maintain a positive outlook on life and reminds us of the progress we have made, even in the face of adversity.

Gratitude is especially important for leaders. It is easy to become overwhelmed with the responsibilities and pressures of the job. However, taking the time to reflect on our failures and express gratitude for the lessons they teach us can help us become better leaders. By embracing our failures and learning from them, we can become more resilient, adaptable, and effective in our roles.

I faced many challenges that tested my leadership skills. One of the most challenging aspects of leadership in the military is the high-pressure environment and deep sense of accountability within the SEAL teams at all levels within Naval Special Warfare. Leaders are responsible for the lives of their team members and must make split-second decisions in life-or-death situations. Without the right kind of mindset, it is easy to become overwhelmed and second-guess ourselves in these situations.

But as I learned through my own failures, the key to effective leadership is to embrace the challenge – embrace the suck – and push through our fears. I said it earlier, and I’ll say it again, the best leaders are those who are willing to take risks and make tough decisions, even in the face of uncertainty. They are the ones who are willing to learn from their failures and use those lessons to become stronger and more effective leaders.

Regrets can be powerful if we allow them to be, but they should not hold us back from living our lives to the fullest.

So, if you find yourself facing failure or regretting something, remember that it’s not the end of the road. The answer is always no if you never ask. Use it as an opportunity to learn and grow and push yourself to become the best possible version of yourself. Be grateful for your failures and use them as a stepping stone to success. Embrace the challenge and push through your fears. With perseverance, determination, and a willingness to take risks, you can achieve anything you set your mind to. And most importantly, never give up on yourself or your dreams.


Why Am I Always Tired All the Time

Fatigue is a common experience during exercise or physical activity. It is characterized by feelings of exhaustion, weakness, and a lack of motivation. According to A. Mosso, a researcher from the early 1900s, fatigue is an emotional response to stress and discomfort in the body. Mosso’s research focused on the idea that fatigue was not solely a physical event but rather a complex interplay between the mind and body.

Fatigue Is An Emotion

In recent years, research has supported Mosso’s theory that fatigue is not just a physical event but rather a response that happens in the brain. Studies have shown that when the body begins to feel discomfort or stress, the brain sends signals to the body to slow down or do less work. This is because the brain is programmed to protect the body from overexertion and conserve energy.

However, it turns out that our brains are overly cautious when it comes to exertion, and we often have more energy available than we realize. This is why pushing through fatigue during exercise is so important. By continually pushing your body, you can train your brain to override that fatigue emotion and keep going. This is particularly true when it comes to endurance sports, such as running or cycling, where mental fortitude can be just as important as physical fitness.

Research has shown that pushing through fatigue can actually prolong the amount of time an athlete can sustain a high level of physical activity. For example, a study published in the International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance found that cyclists who pushed through fatigue during a time trial were able to sustain a higher power output than those who did not. This is because the act of pushing through fatigue can actually help to delay the onset of muscle fatigue and improve overall endurance.

CBD Helps Combat Fatigue

But what if you’re struggling to push through fatigue? This is where CBD can come in. CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound found in the cannabis plant that has been shown to have a number of health benefits, including reducing inflammation, improving sleep, and reducing anxiety.

One of the ways that CBD oil can help combat fatigue is by reducing inflammation in the body. When we exercise, our muscles undergo small amounts of damage, which can lead to inflammation. This inflammation can contribute to feelings of fatigue and make it harder to push through discomfort during exercise. CBD oil has been shown to reduce inflammation in the body, which can help to reduce feelings of fatigue and make it easier to push through discomfort during exercise.

CBD oil can also help to improve sleep, which is important for recovery after exercise. Studies have shown that CBD oil can improve sleep quality and reduce the time it takes to fall asleep. This can help athletes to recover more quickly after exercise and feel more energized for their next workout.

Finally, CBD oil can help to reduce anxiety, which can be a major barrier to pushing through fatigue during exercise. Studies have shown that CBD oil can reduce anxiety in people with anxiety disorders, and anecdotal evidence suggests that it can help to reduce feelings of anxiety during exercise as well. By reducing anxiety, CBD oil can help athletes to stay focused and motivated during exercise, making it easier to push through feelings of fatigue and discomfort.

Strategies To Deal With Fatigue

In addition to the role of CBD oil, there are other strategies that can help combat fatigue during exercise. One of the most effective is to focus on the task at hand and stay in the present moment. By focusing on your breathing, your form, or your surroundings, you can distract your mind from feelings of fatigue and discomfort.

Another strategy is to break up the exercise into smaller, manageable pieces. This can be particularly helpful during endurance sports, where the goal may be to complete a certain distance or time. By breaking up the task into smaller pieces, you can focus on each segment individually and feel a sense of accomplishment with each completed piece.

Another strategy for combating fatigue during exercise is to use positive self-talk. This involves consciously replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. For example, instead of thinking, “I can’t do this,” try thinking, “I can do this, and I’m getting stronger with every step.” By reframing negative thoughts in a positive light, you can boost your confidence and motivation, which can help you push through feelings of fatigue and discomfort.

Proper nutrition and hydration are also important factors in combating fatigue during exercise. Eating a balanced diet that includes carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats can provide your body with the energy it needs to perform at its best. Staying hydrated is also crucial, as even mild dehydration can lead to feelings of fatigue and reduced performance.

Additionally, getting enough rest and recovery is crucial for combating fatigue during exercise. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night, and make sure to take rest days or easy recovery days as needed. Overtraining can lead to fatigue and burnout, so it’s important to listen to your body and give it the rest it needs to perform at its best.

Extreme Fatigue Effects

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a real condition and is often misdiagnosed as another underlying health condition. Fatigue, in general, can induce not only leave you feeling tired but it can also display other symptoms such as weight gain, erode the development of healthy red blood cells, and negatively impact the immune system. Excessive sleepiness through fatigue also triggers psychological stress. Fatigue can also be a symptom of thyroid disease in both men and, more often, in women. The sooner you identify the source of your fatigue, the better you can manage its effects.

How I Dealt With Fatigue as a Navy SEAL

As a US Navy SEAL, I faced some of the most grueling physical and mental challenges of any profession. The training and missions of a SEAL require extreme levels of endurance, strength, and mental fortitude. For me, dealing with fatigue and poor sleep was a constant challenge, but one that I was able to overcome through discipline, focus, and the support of my team.

During my time as a SEAL, I learned a number of strategies for combating fatigue during grueling missions and training exercises. One of the most important was to stay focused on the task at hand and not get caught up in feelings of exhaustion or discomfort. By staying present in the moment and focusing on the mission, I was able to push through even the toughest physical challenges.

Another strategy that I used was to break up long missions or training exercises into smaller, more manageable pieces. By focusing on completing each smaller task rather than the entire mission (in BUD/s, we focused on one evolution at a time), I was able to maintain my own energy levels and focus over longer periods of time. This was particularly important during endurance missions, where the goal was to complete a certain distance or objective over a period of many hours or days.

In addition to these strategies, I also used mental techniques to combat fatigue. For example, I would use visualization techniques to imagine myself completing the mission or exercise with ease. By mentally rehearsing success, I could boost the confidence I would overcome my obstacle and overcome feelings of exhaustion, chronic fatigue, or doubt.

I also learned the importance of rest and recovery in combating fatigue. After long missions or training exercises, as part of our return from deployment, the command would prioritize rest and relaxation to allow our bodies and minds to recover. This included getting enough sleep, eating nutritious foods, and taking downtime to work out or chill. Back then, we didn’t know how meditation or other stress-reducing activities helped combat fatigue. We just toughed it out like anything else.

Overall, my experience as a Navy SEAL taught me the importance of discipline, focus, and mental fortitude in overcoming fatigue during physical exertion. By staying present in the moment, breaking up long tasks into smaller pieces, using mental techniques to boost confidence, and prioritizing rest and recovery, I could push my body and mind to their limits and achieve objectives through endurance and strength.

Summing It Up

Fatigue is a complex interplay between the mind and body. Fatigue is not just a physical event; it is also a mental experience. This means that your mental state can play a big role in how quickly you become fatigued during exercise. If you are feeling anxious, stressed, or distracted, you may find that you become fatigued more quickly than if you are feeling calm and focused.

One way to combat mental fatigue is to practice mindfulness during exercise. Mindfulness involves being fully present and engaged in the current moment without judgment or distraction. By focusing on your breathing, your form, or your surroundings, you can distract your mind from negative thoughts and feelings and stay present in the moment.

Another strategy to combat fatigue is to build up your mental toughness through consistent training. Building mental toughness is achieved by setting achievable goals, pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone, and focusing on the process rather than the outcome. By setting achievable goals, you can build confidence and motivation as you achieve each milestone. By pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone, you can train your brain to overcome fatigue and discomfort. And by focusing on the process rather than the outcome, you can stay present in the moment and enjoy the journey rather than becoming overwhelmed by the challenge ahead.

In addition to these strategies, it’s important to listen to your body and take rest when needed. Overtraining can lead to burnout, injury, and a decrease in performance, so it’s important to give your body time to rest and recover. By incorporating rest days into your training schedule and getting enough sleep, you can ensure that your body and mind are ready for your next workout.

Overall, fatigue is a complex experience that involves both the mind and body. By understanding the role that fatigue plays in your exercise routine and incorporating strategies to combat it, such as mindfulness, mental toughness training, and rest and recovery, you can unlock your full potential and achieve your life, work, and fitness goals.

Embrace the Suck

As a Navy SEAL, I can attest to the fact that “embracing the suck” is a core philosophy that is ingrained in every SEAL candidate from the moment they begin their training. It’s a mentality that is vital for success, not just in the military but in all aspects of our lives while in the service and after. Embracing the suck means accepting and even enjoying the difficulties and challenges that come with any situation and using them as an opportunity to grow and improve. I share my personal experiences with how I’ve embraced the suck, as well as some insights into how this mindset can benefit anyone who chooses to adopt it as part of my 5 SEAL Secrets (there’s a link below to download it for free).

It’s important to understand the origins of the term “embrace the suck.” It’s a phrase that has been used in the SEAL teams for many years and in the whole special operations forces community. I first learned it when I entered my first phase of the SEAL BUD/s training program and the lessons continued through second phase, third phase, and well into my career as a SEAL leader. Looking back, the physical screening test to qualify for BUD/s was the easiest part of my career!

William Branum US Navy SEAL BUDs

William Branum US Navy SEAL BUDs

“Embrace the suck” refers to the idea that when things get tough, the tough never quit – they embrace the difficulty and push through it. In BUD/s, on the grinder at the Naval Special Warfare Center, and throughout our SEAL qualification training, we learn the price of complaining when “the suck” becomes much harder. The instructors correct anyone who complains quickly by increasing the level, difficulty, and consequences of “the suck.” When a candidate starts falling back or showing weakness, physical training becomes increasingly difficult. By the fourth week of training, we enter Hell Week, where we endure the most grueling conditions of our initial training.

William Branum US Navy SEAL Second Phase

William Branum US Navy SEAL Second Phase

In SEAL training, “the suck” refers to the grueling physical and mental challenges that candidates must endure to become SEALs. These challenges include long, punishing swims in frigid water, sleep deprivation, and hours of physical exertion in extreme heat or cold. We are set up to fail every day and in every evolution. I can attest to the fact that it was an essential part of my process. The instructors were experts at pushing us beyond our limits and making us face our fears, both physical and mental. But as challenging as it was, it taught us the value of perseverance, mental toughness, leadership skills, and teamwork. We learned to embrace failure and use it as a stepping stone to success.

I quickly learned the importance of embracing the suck in the early days of training. Not everyone is good at swimming or running, and in BUD/s, you learn if you’re a better swimmer or a better runner. When I found myself struggling to keep up with my teammates, I took that pressure and turned it into power. The long, grueling days left me exhausted and sore, and like everyone in BUD/s at one point or another, I wondered if I had what it took to make it through.

It was during these moments that I began to embrace the challenges and see them as opportunities, or else I’d fail and return to the fleet. For me, that wasn’t an option. One of the most important things I learned during SEAL training was that embracing the suck isn’t just about physical toughness – it’s also about mental resilience. When you’re exhausted, cold, chaffed raw, in pain, and miserable, it’s easy to let negative thoughts creep in and start to bring you down. But if you can learn to control your thoughts and maintain a productive attitude, you can push through even the toughest situations.

William Branum US Navy SEAL Third Phase

William Branum US Navy SEAL Third Phase

Instead of dreading the next evolution or feeling sorry for myself, I started to shift my mindset and look at the challenges as a way to perform better. Our minds have a way of complicating the things we face and creates this overwhelming blockade that we have to tear down, or else we never get anywhere. I started to focus on the most basic actions that required me to forge ahead and eliminate all the shit in my mind that didn’t serve me in the moment. I figured out how to use the pain of all that sucked to motivate me and power my way through and focus on how to win, one evolution at a time. I made the decision not to quit because it wasn’t an option. Ever.

William Branum US Navy SEAL Sniper

William Branum US Navy SEAL Sniper

I remember one particular evolution during training where we were required to carry the heaviest log in BUD/s named Old Misery. It was grueling, and as we were covered in sand from head to toe, we struggled through the evolution. I chose to focus on the moment and the teamwork that we built. My determination to not fail contributed to us managing through the suck. I pushed through the pain and exhaustion with the rest of the men under that log.

Another important aspect of embracing the suck is recognizing that it’s not just about the individual – it’s about the team. In SEAL training, we were constantly reminded that we were only as strong as our weakest link. If one teammate struggled, we all struggled. If you struggled, you were the cause of everyone else’s struggle. We all had to help each other through it because, in BUD/s, you cannot pass the training on your own merit – no man is an island in BUD/s or on the Teams. It doesn’t matter if you graduated from the Naval Academy or Officer Candidate School. Both enlisted personnel and officers experience the same challenges before graduating and becoming a US Navy SEAL.

William Branum US Navy SEAL BUDs Graduation

William Branum US Navy SEAL BUDs Graduation

This mentality not only helped us build our strong bonds of trust and camaraderie, but it also made us more effective as a small unit tactics a team. The Navy SEAL Brotherhood exists because we face the same challenges, and our collective ability to work together and build the most unbreakable relationships are forged not only by embracing the suck together but achieving results together. We are able to push through even the toughest challenges and come out stronger on the other side. The voluntary drop rate is high for a reason (it’s an equitable training environment) because you need to be more than physically qualified to become a SEAL. Eligible applicants also have to demonstrate the mental toughness to sustain their abilities and achieve mission success in the environment we endure.

So how can you apply the Navy SEAL philosophy of embracing the suck to your own life? Whether you’re facing a difficult work project, a challenging workout, or a personal crisis, the key is approaching it with the attitude and willingness to embrace the difficulty. Instead of focusing on the pain and discomfort, see the challenge as an opportunity to learn and grow. If you’re working with a team, make sure you’re supporting each other and working together to overcome the challenge. The toughest challenges often lead to the greatest rewards. By embracing the suck, you’ll not only become a stronger, more resilient person, but you’ll also be able to achieve things you never thought possible.

William Branum US Navy SEAL New York

William Branum US Navy SEAL New York

It was only by facing our weaknesses and overcoming them that we became SEALs. Throughout our careers, we used the same principles in tactical training as we learned in our basic SEAL training to become better and more effective at what we do. The lessons I learned serving in Naval Special Warfare have stayed with me throughout my career and personal life. I believe that the mindset of pushing oneself to the limit and never giving up is a valuable lesson for anyone, regardless of their profession.

If you’d like to learn my 5 SEAL Secrets, click this link

Does CBD Help For Focus? What the Science Has to Say

The Potential of CBD for Enhancing Concentration and Cognitive Function

The world is cluttered with distractions, including text messages, social media updates, and overflowing inboxes. So, it seems sense that many of us have trouble focusing. Hemp CBD is an alternative method to think about while focused, supporting cognitive and brain function, as opposed to using a supplement.

Early studies (and a lot of anecdotal evidence) suggest that CBD may be indirectly helpful by helping with common issues that cause us to lose focus, such as a lack of sleep, feelings of anxiety, or distracting aches. While we recognize there is still a lot of work to be done in terms of quality research to support CBD’s ability to help you stay focused, it is already clear that it may be helpful.

Here is all the essential information you need to know about CBD for focus, along with some examples of our top CBD products available right now.

Advantages of CBD for Focus

Although while research on CBD extracted from hemp is still in its early stages, the preliminary results are encouraging. Here are some ideas of a few ways CBD may assist you in regaining your focus:

Creates a Tranquil Atmosphere The inability to really concentrate attention and focus on what’s in front of you is one thing that anxiousness is able to produce. By reducing feelings of stress and promoting calmness CBD helps regulate your mood. CBD can also promote attention to detail. Moreover, new studies from 20191 and 2022 reveal that cannabidiol may help us achieve a focused flow by fostering a tranquil condition.

Promotes and Encourages Restorative Sleep Lack of sleep the previous night makes us weary, agitated, and distracted the next. CBD may make it easier for you to fall asleep as it has the greatest anecdotal and scientific evidence3 to support its sleep-promoting effects (and the ability to stay asleep longer).

Full spectrum CBD to promote restorative sleep and achieve the rest your body needs

Full spectrum CBD to promote restorative sleep and achieve the rest your body needs

Improves Joint Comfort and Health Addressing the root of the distraction may help you establish balance since aches and joint discomfort can divert direct one’s attention and efforts from the work at hand. Fortunately, preliminary findings indicate that CBD enhances the body’s inflammatory response, a crucial biological mechanism for enhancing joint comfort and mobility.

Types of CBD That Promote Attentiveness

Each person’s response to CBD from the hemp plant varies. The strength (also known as dose) and the kind of CBD product you use are two critical variables that will determine which kind of CBD is best for you. While picking a CBD for focus, bear the following points in mind:

Broad-spectrum versus Full-spectrum Hemp CBD

Less than 0.3% THC by dry weight is present in full-spectrum hemp, which contains the complete range of chemicals from the hemp plant extract (cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, fatty acids, etc). (which is in the U.S. federal regulation for hemp). The minority of the products on our list are full-spectrum. According to scientists, this combination of natural plant chemicals can provide a positive “entourage effect,” which increasingly makes it the go-to for the most complete CBD experience.

Nonetheless, not everybody desires those minute concentrations of THC. CBD, terpenes, and flavonoids are still present in broad-spectrum hemp, for example, but the THC is removed. Many people continue to assert that broad-spectrum hemp products have many advantages, but you might want to give full-spectrum a try first to see how it works (provided you are not regularly drug tested because those trace quantities of THC can potentially show up).

Organic CBD oil

Organic CBD oil

Caffine and CBD

Caffeine and CBD are two substances that have been gaining popularity in recent years, especially among those looking to improve their focus and productivity skills. Caffeine is known for its energizing and stimulating effects, while CBD is known for its calming, anti-anxiety properties. When combined, the researchers found that these two substances can provide an effective and balanced solution to improve focus and productivity.

Caffeine has been found to increase alertness, improve focus, attention and memory, and even improve physical performance. It works by stimulating the brain and central nervous system, increasing the production of neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine. This can help to keep you feeling alert and focused.

CBD, on the other hand, works differently. It does not directly stimulate the central nervous system, but rather works to reduce emotional pressure and anxiety. This can help to still emotions, reduce distractions and help you to concentrate and to stay calm, focused and productive.

Energize CBD Energy Drink that improves focus

Energize CBD Energy Drink that improves focus

When combined, caffeine and CBD can work together to provide a more balanced and focused approach to exercise, improving focus and productivity. The energizing effects of caffeine can help to keep you alert and focused, while the calming effects of CBD can help to reduce distractions and stress. This focused approach can help to create an environment where you are more productive and able to stay on task.

CBD and caffeine can also be taken in combination with other supplements, such as L-theanine, to further improve focus and productivity. L-theanine, an amino acid found in green tea, can help to reduce stress and improve mood. This, in turn, can help to create a more productive and focused environment.

Edibles vs. topicals

Both topical and ingestible hemp CBD products may be found on our website. A topical CBD salve or cream may help you get back on track if joint pain is keeping you from concentrating. Consider using an ingestible CBD product, such as a gummy, softgel, or oil tincture, to holistically support your body if mental chatter, mood swings, or lack of sleep are to blame.

Let’s Talk Dosage

Your weight, your point of focus in life in terms of health, your habits and the CBD content are some of the variables that might influence how much CBD you should take. Finidn the correct dosage for you that’s effective requires some trial and error. Starting with a lesser dose and gradually increasing it is a smart idea. Also, we highly advise you to speak with your doctor before using CBD.

For health and wellness-related matters, our website offers general advice and guidance. This information is not meant to replace the counsel of your doctor. Every treatment choice should be made in collaboration with a healthcare professional. Hemp Industrial hemp grown in the United States (less than 0.3% THC) and Europe (less than 0.2% THC) is used to make CBD products. While hemp-derived CBD products are permitted on a federal level in the United States, certain states have their own regulations.

Are CBD Gummies for Sleep: A Natural Alternative to Conventional Sleep Aids

For many people, getting a good night’s sleep can be a constant struggle. Insomnia, stress, anxiety, and other factors can make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. More and more travelers who experience jet lag are looking for restorative sleep solutions. As a result, many people turn to conventional sleep aids, such as prescription medications, over-the-counter drugs, or even alcohol. However, these solutions and self-medicating often come with a host of side effects and can be addictive.

Sweet dreams can turn sour - the dark side of prescription sleep aids

Sweet dreams can turn sour – the dark side of prescription sleep aids

Fortunately, there’s a natural alternative that’s gaining popularity: CBD gummies for sleep. CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a compound found in the cannabis plant that has been shown to have a range of potential health benefits, including promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety. CBD gummies are a convenient and tasty way to consume CBD, and many people are using them to improve their sleep when they experience trouble sleeping.

Why CBD Gummies for Sleep?

CBD infused gummies are quite popular in the open market, and in edible format, their appeal is increasing. First off, who doesn’t like candy gummies? In a culture that cherishes the innocence, goodness, and appeal of gummy candy, the idea of consuming a CBD gummy alone is simply fun. As the simplicity of this candy has grown, it’s become a vehicle in the health supplement and pharmaceutical industries for delivering vitamins and medication to both children and adults. Taking CBD gummies is no more complex than taking a vitamin-infused gummy each morning.

CBD edibles, such as a gummy for sleep disorders, are a relatively easy leap to take for anyone wanting to incorporate CBD as a natural and healthy support instrument. The Naked Warrior Good Night Gummies Edible CBD are flavorful and use only natural ingredients. Our gummies use organic cane sugar and tapioca syrup as an alternative to high fructose corn syrup which is commonly used in nearly everything. We won’t use artificial sweeteners or anything that is not a quality ingredient.

Naked Warrior Recovery CBD gummies are flavorful, colorful, natural, and effective.

Naked Warrior Recovery CBD gummies are flavorful, colorful, natural, and effective

With quality CBD gummies, it’s common to notice a little hemp extract taste, but the flavors in all our gummies, like our strawberry lemonade CBD gummy, make the experience a good one! Flavorful, colorful, natural, and effective.

How much CBD should you take?

This is the most popular question we get when it comes to consuming a CBD gummy. The amount of CBD gummies you should take depends on several factors, including your weight, the severity of your insomnia, and your tolerance to CBD. Generally, it’s recommended to start with a low dose and gradually increase it until you find the right dosage that works for you. Many CBD gummies contain 10mg to 25mg of CBD per piece, and it’s common to take 1-2 gummies before bedtime.

Our Sleep Gummies contain 30 mg of CBD oil and may be too strong for a first-time user. If you’re considering CBD gummies for sleep and have never tried CBD before, we recommend you start with either the Green Apple or Strawberry Lemonade CBD gummies that have 10 mg of CBD to start. If you feel you need a little more, increase the dose by 1/2 a gummy until you experience the desired result.

CBD sleep gummies: What makes them different?

CBD sleep gummies are specially formulated with additional ingredients that promote relaxation and help you fall asleep faster. For example, some CBD sleep gummies contain melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles. Others may contain other natural ingredients, such as herbs, which are known for their calming effects.

CBD is a natural sleep aid and is able to produce the quality sleep you desire

CBD is a natural sleep aid and is able to produce the quality sleep you desire

Other gummies incorporate full spectrum CBD into their gummies which introduces THC and adds to the effect CBD gummies make for sleep. Broad spectrum CBD gummies for sleep do not have THC, and our website offers both full spectrum CBD gummies and broad spectrum CBD gummies.

CBD gummies for sleep vs. conventional sleep aids

There are several advantages to using CBD gummies for sleep instead of conventional sleep aids. First and foremost, CBD gummies are a natural and non-addictive option. Unlike prescription sleep medications, which can be habit-forming, fail to promote healthy sleep or adequate sleep, and come with a long list of side effects, CBD gummies are generally considered safe and well-tolerated.

Additionally, CBD gummies may be more effective than conventional sleep aids for certain people. For example, some individuals may not respond well to prescription sleep medications, or they may not want to risk the potential side effects. CBD gummies are also a good option for people who prefer to use natural remedies instead of pharmaceutical drugs.

What Anxiety Symptoms Can Be Addressed Using CBD Oil

Stress management using CBD

Stress is an unavoidable part of life, and we all experience it from time to time. Work, relationships, financial worries, and many other factors can cause it. Stress can manifest itself in various ways, including anxiety, irritability, headaches, and fatigue. When stress becomes chronic, it can lead to anxiety disorders, which can severely affect a person’s quality of life.

Anxiety disorders are a group of mental health conditions characterized by excessive fear or worry. Anxiety disorders include generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). These disorders can be debilitating, create intense fear, cause panic attacks, rapid heartbeat, a sense of overwhelming worry, and emotional response, which affect a person’s ability to function in their daily life.

What anxiety symptoms can be addressed using CBD oil

What anxiety symptoms can be addressed using CBD oil

Fortunately, there are ways to manage anxiety disorders and address physical symptoms. One of the most popular and effective methods is through the use of CBD oil. CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a compound found in the hemp plant. CBD oil is extracted from the plant and can be used to treat a variety of health conditions, including anxiety disorders and other physical health conditions, as well as mental health conditions.

CBD oil has been shown to reduce anxiety in several ways. First, it interacts with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which plays a role in regulating mood, sleep, and appetite. It is known as one of the most effective herbal remedies on the market today. CBD can help regulate the ECS, leading to reduced anxiety and improved mood under a myriad of coping strategies. Some of our customers describe their reaction to CBD as a “tuning down” the level of stress they experience, making their days more manageable.

When you’re under stress, most find difficulty concentrating on their work, studies, families, and health. Reducing stress through the use of CBD oil products has been found to relieve physical stress-related symptoms as well as assist in relieving anxiety. Our M60 CBD oil product, for instance, penetrates all the way to the parasympathetic nervous system to ease these strains of stress on your body. CBD oil also affects serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that regulates mood and anxiety. Low levels of serotonin have been linked to anxiety disorders, and CBD oil can help increase serotonin levels, leading to a reduction in anxiety symptoms.

Our M60 CBD oil product penetrates to the parasympathetic nervous system

Our M60 CBD oil product penetrates to the parasympathetic nervous system

Stress, however, has killed more people than the coronavirus. Cortisol, also known as the stress hormone, can interfere with your ability to learn and with memory retention. Increased cortisol levels may also lead to a rapid decrease in your heart’s strength, known as broken heart syndrome. Studies have also shown a high correlation between stress, anxiety and depression, and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).

It can also adversely affect your immune system, reduce vaccine effectiveness, increase the healing time for a wound, and increase fat levels around the stomach.

These disorders can be debilitating

These disorders can be debilitating

These disorders can occur in early childhood and through traumatic events. Although there are various types of anxiety disorders, mental illness is no laughing matter. This article is intended to provide some potential options to treat anxiety disorders and cannot be construed as medical advice, nor are we able to diagnose anxiety disorders. We recommend you seek the advice of a mental health professional before using CBD to treat anxiety disorder symptoms if you suffer from the occasional anxiety we experience in daily life.

Lastly, in clinical trials, CBD oil is now known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation has been linked to anxiety and depression, and CBD oil can help reduce inflammation in the body, leading to improved mental health.

Anxiety disorders can be managed with the use of CBD oil under the right guidance

Anxiety disorders can be managed with the use of CBD oil under the right guidance

Stress is a part of life, but it doesn’t have to control our lives. Anxiety disorders can be managed with the use of CBD oil under the guidance of a mental health professional, which has been shown to reduce anxiety, improve mood, and reduce inflammation in the body. So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by stress, consider incorporating CBD oil into your wellness routine to help alleviate those high intense days. Remember, stress, in general, has killed more people than the coronavirus, so taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health.



What I Learned at a CBD Store Near Me

I have been on quite a few podcasts discussing how dirty the CBD industry has been found to be by the FDA conducting inspections and spot checks on CBD producers and distributors. The CBD industry has exploded in recent years, with sales reaching billions of dollars annually. CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a non-psychoactive compound found in the cannabis plant that has been touted as a natural remedy for a variety of ailments, including anxiety, pain, and insomnia.

More than 75% of the CBD products tested by the FDA didn’t even have CBD in them. Instead, they found high levels of mercury, arsenic, lead, heavy metals, pesticides, etc. While there are certainly benefits to using CBD products, there is also an ugly side to the industry that consumers should be aware of. In this blog post, we will explore some of the negative aspects of the CBD industry.

Lack of Regulation

One of the biggest issues with the CBD industry is the lack of regulation. The FDA has not yet approved CBD as a dietary supplement or a medication, which means that companies are not required to undergo testing to ensure the safety and efficacy of their products. As a result, there is a wide range in the quality of CBD products on the market, and consumers are left to navigate this without much guidance.

Inaccurate Labeling and Misleading Marketing

Another issue with the CBD industry is inaccurate labeling. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that nearly 70% of CBD products tested were mislabeled, meaning that they contained more or less CBD than was listed on the label. This can make it difficult for consumers to determine the correct dosage and may lead to unintended side effects or ineffective treatment.

Another major problem is the widespread mislabeling and misleading marketing practices of products and many companies making claims of curing illnesses like cancer, diabetes, etc. Many companies make bold claims about the health benefits of their products without providing scientific evidence to support these claims. Additionally, some companies use vague or misleading language to describe their products, such as using terms like “pure” or “organic” without any actual certification to back up these claims. There may be some truths to some of this in customer testimonies.  Personal results do mean a tremendous amount. However, those are medical claims that aren’t scientifically proven.

My CBD Discovery Journey

If you’ve tuned into any of the podcasts I’ve been on, you’ve learned that my own journey to start Naked Warrior Recovery is not scientifically based. If you haven’t, here’s an episode I think you’ll like NAVY SEAL endorses CBD – NW RECOVERY FOUNDER WILLIAM BRANUM

I had a SEAL friend of mine share some CBD gummies with me, and I realized that my CBD use made a difference over time. CBD had a positive impact on my life by helping me turn down the noise in my head and become less angry (after 26 years of service as a Navy SEAL). Most career military men and women retire from the service with a list of conditions ranging from mild depression symptoms and chronic pain to post-traumatic stress disorder and other physical or neuropathic pain.

As a young SEAL, I had no idea one day, I would be using cannabis derived compounds to manage my pain after retirement

I discovered it helped me drink less as I was starting to self-medicate. I experienced no adverse effects, and I got better restorative and recuperative sleep. I began to notice that the pains I regularly felt in my body became less painful, so I did more research and started selling what I feel are the best CBD oil and CBD products on the market today.

I know CBD works. CBD oil is generally considered safe for most people when used appropriately and in moderation. This is because broad-spectrum CBD is a non-intoxicating compound found in the hemp plant, which is not known to cause significant side effects or harm to the body when used responsibly. It engages and supports our endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system is what, according to Harvard Health Publishing, ” regulates and controls many of our most critical bodily functions such as learning and memory, emotional processing, sleep, temperature control, pain control, inflammatory and immune responses, and eating.”

The Endocannabinoid System (courtesty of Sona Pharmacy)

The Endocannabinoid System (courtesy of Sona Pharmacy)


Many often wonder, “is CBD oil safe?” Research suggests and has shown that CBD has a good safety profile and can provide a range of potential health benefits, making it an increasingly popular choice for those looking to support their overall wellness naturally. However, it is important to note that CBD may interact with certain medications, so it is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before using CBD oil or any other dietary supplement.

I was aware of the state medical marijuana laws in Hawaii, where I reside, but I wasn’t sure if CBD was regulated under the controlled substances act. I decided to start selling broad spectrum CBD oil products that contain none of the psychoactive effects (THC found in marijuana), as CBD is derived from hemp plants (cannabis sativa plant). I relied on hemp derived CBD products to build and grow Naked Warrior Recovery.

Before You Buy CBD Oil Products

I often explain to people taking CBD oil or who want to take CBD products to consider this. The CBD industry is extremely saturated, and it’s not all quality, so be careful with what you buy. Having been doing a deep dive into this industry for the last three years, I can tell you that even if you see it at Whole Foods, that doesn’t mean it is a quality product. You can even buy CBD oil at convenience stores as well. So here’s something to consider…

If you’re a sushi lover, would you rather buy your sushi from a gas station or a restaurant? It’s the same thought process when buying CBD oil or CBD oil products. It doesn’t matter if it’s full spectrum CBD oil or broad spectrum CBD oil, further research should be conducted on your behalf, so you are purchasing pure CBD, not a product with a CBD label on it with additives and more carrier oil in it.

Before you buy CBD, be sure to do your research. Look for third-party lab test results, read reviews from other customers, and ask your doctor or pharmacist for recommendations. It’s also important to make sure that the company you’re buying from is reputable and transparent about its ingredients and processes.

Why Buy From Naked Warrior Recovery

Buying CBD oil and products from Naked Warrior Recovery is a good investment not only because of the associated health benefits but because our products are all third-party tested to ensure safety and quality. We are committed to providing research-backed CBD products that are designed to promote overall health and well-being. Our products are also free of harsh chemicals, so you can trust that you are getting only the best.

We also offer a variety of formulations and concentrations, making it easy for customers to find the right product for their needs. Lastly, we provide excellent customer service and support for our customers.

CBD might be the answer to your ailments such as high blood pressure, inflammatory and neuropathic pain, or anxiety disorders. I personally know a Navy SEAL battling multiple sclerosis who uses CBD oil as part of his treatment profile. Some people have also incorporated CBD oils for cancer treatment after speaking to their healthcare professional or healthcare provider.

My CBD discovery journey has been quite an eye-opening experience. I have learned about the numerous benefits of CBD and its potential to improve my overall well-being. From reducing anxiety and stress to managing chronic pain, CBD has helped me in ways that I never thought possible.

I have also come to understand the importance of using nonprescription CBD products responsibly. It is crucial to purchase from a reputable brand, like Naked Warrior Recovery, that has undergone third-party testing and to follow the recommended dosage instructions. Additionally, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before using CBD if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications.

Reduce anxiety with CBD (hemp oil) based products as dietary supplements to a healthier lifestyle

Reduce anxiety with CBD (hemp oil) based products as dietary supplements to a healthier lifestyle


Nonprescription CBD products are widely available in the market, and it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. It is crucial to do your research and understand the different types of products available, such as tinctures, capsules, and topicals, to find what works best for you.

In summary, my CBD discovery journey has been an enlightening experience, and I am grateful for the benefits it has provided me.

As always, don’t forget to GET NAKED!