
Tag Archives: leadership

Are You Really Leading?

In a few weeks, I along with my friend and co-author Brenda Neckvatal, are releasing our book – my first book. We came together to talk about our unique experiences and common vision on leading high-performing teams. In the book, I talk about how when SEAL leaders who are focused about being in a gunfight risk losing their team because they’re more focused on BEING in the gunfight rather than leading the mission forward.

It’s no different when a business owner finds themselves working IN the business instead of ON it, and wonders why he can’t move the business forward. Some leaders can’t see the bigger picture, only what’s framed around them. I grew up in a very small town in the deep South, and the work culture of the United States at that time was very different than what we know today.

In the 1970s and 1980s, I watched the average small business owner navigate a challenging economic landscape with high inflation and competition from larger corporations. They were expected to be adaptable, resourceful, and committed, often putting in long hours to ensure their business’s survival and growth.

Success relied heavily on building strong customer relationships, maintaining quality, and effectively managing finances and employees. Because of this mindset, small business owners worked in their business rather than on it due to the hands-on nature of small business management during that period. Limited access to advanced technology and automation required owners to be directly involved in daily operations, from managing employees to serving customers. Competition from larger corporations also meant owners had to be deeply engaged in all aspects of their business to ensure quality and build strong customer relationships, leaving little time for strategic planning and long-term growth initiatives.

For new business launches that are more self-funded or bootstrapped than financially backed, it’s easy for leaders to come armed and take on the role of a one-man band. However, when they begin to increase their cash flow, it’s time to start shifting from working in your business to working on its growth and future development. I hear Brenda talk about her multiple businesses and make statements about how she’s going to fire herself from doing this small job and put someone else in place. What she’s saying is that she’s pulling out of the gunfight and focusing more on the business landscape in front of her.

SEAL leaders are no different in this regard, and that’s why I included this as an entire chapter in our new book (which you can learn more about by clicking here). If you want to become a stronger leader who masters working on the team rather than in it, then keep an eye out for the book release date and start your transformation into becoming a high-performing team leader.

Lessons from the Frontlines: Navigating Crisis with Precision

As a former Navy SEAL, I’ve learned firsthand the importance of effective leadership and preparation in navigating crisis situations. In our latest episode of the “Mission Ready” podcast, my colleague Brenda Neckvatal and I had the privilege of delving into these topics, drawing upon our experiences in the field to provide insights into high-performance team dynamics and crisis management.

Our discussion centered around the strategies employed by Navy SEALs to thrive under pressure, emphasizing the crucial role of preparation and training. We highlighted the significance of maintaining composure in the face of adversity, sharing anecdotes that underscored the impact of calm, decisive leadership in achieving mission success.

One key aspect we addressed was the value of routine drills in fostering readiness and cohesion within a team. These exercises not only sharpen skills but also instill confidence and trust among team members, essential components for effective crisis response.

Additionally, we explored the importance of adaptability and flexibility in dynamic environments, emphasizing the need for leaders to remain agile and resourceful when confronted with unexpected challenges.

But our conversation didn’t stop there. As a preview of what’s to come, Brenda and I offered a glimpse into our upcoming book, where we delve deeper into the principles of leadership and crisis management that we discussed on the podcast. From practical strategies to real-world examples, our book aims to empower leaders at all levels to navigate adversity with confidence and resilience.

In closing, I invite you to join us on this journey of discovery and growth. Whether you’re a seasoned leader or aspiring to take on greater responsibilities, there are invaluable lessons to be learned from the experiences of those who have served on the frontlines.

Stay vigilant, stay mission ready and listen here -> https://bit.ly/3KbABQp