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Compete with Gratitude, Not Others

Compete with Gratitude, Not Others

In life, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the game of competing with everyone around you. You look at someone else’s success, and instead of feeling inspired, you begin to question why you’re not where they are. Maybe it’s a colleague getting promoted, a friend achieving personal goals, or a peer hitting milestones faster than you. And the more you focus on what they’re doing, the more frustrated you get with your own progress. Here’s the thing: competing with others will never bring you fulfillment.

The reality is, when you’re constantly measuring your success against someone else’s achievements, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. There will always be someone ahead of you, and chasing that external validation leads to burnout, frustration, and a lack of fulfillment. If you want to stay strong and focused on your mission, you’ve got to shift your focus to something more powerful: gratitude.

The Power of Competing with Gratitude

Gratitude isn’t just about being thankful for what you have. It’s about embracing your journey, recognizing your growth, and appreciating every step forward—no matter how small. Competing with gratitude means shifting your mindset away from what others are doing and focusing on how far you’ve come. It’s about recognizing your wins and staying grounded in the present, where real progress happens.

Here’s why it matters:

  • It Keeps You Focused on Your Journey: When you stop comparing yourself to others and start embracing gratitude, you become laser-focused on your own path. Competing with gratitude means acknowledging your personal growth, celebrating your own victories, and using that energy to fuel your next move. You no longer waste time worrying about what others are doing because you’re locked into the mindset that the only person you need to beat is the person you were yesterday.
  • It Builds Resilience: Life throws challenges at us all. When you’re stuck in the comparison trap, those challenges feel heavier because you’re too busy thinking about what others are doing. Gratitude allows you to shift your mindset. Instead of focusing on what you don’t have or haven’t achieved, you learn to appreciate the lessons that come with adversity. It’s about turning setbacks into stepping stones and growing stronger with each one.
  • It Fuels Long-Term Success: Competing with others may give you short-term motivation, but it’s gratitude that will fuel your long-term growth. When you focus on what you have, what you’ve accomplished, and what you’re capable of, you create a foundation that propels you forward. Gratitude gives you clarity. It allows you to see the bigger picture and stay grounded, even when things get tough.

The Real Competition Is With Yourself

In the SEAL teams, we do compete with each other, but it’s not about trying to beat one another—it’s about pushing our brothers to reach the next level, to go deeper, and to come out stronger. This competition is meant to build each other up, not tear each other down. It’s about elevating the team as a whole and making sure that every single person becomes their best self. The real competition, though, is always with yourself—striving to be better, stronger, and more resilient every day.

Competing with gratitude means waking up every day and appreciating the progress you’ve made. It’s about recognizing that while there may be others ahead of you, that doesn’t diminish your own growth. Your journey is your own, and when you focus on that, you stay in control of your destiny.

How to Compete with Gratitude

If you want to shift your mindset and start competing with gratitude, here are a few steps you can take:

  1. Reflect on Your Progress: Take a moment each day to think about what you’ve achieved. Write it down if you need to. Whether it’s a small win or a major milestone, gratitude grows when you acknowledge your progress.
  2. Stop Comparing: Anytime you catch yourself comparing your journey to someone else’s, stop and reframe your thoughts. Focus on your own path and what you’re working toward. Remember, you’re not in competition with them—only with yourself.
  3. Celebrate Your Wins: Don’t wait for others to validate your success. Take time to celebrate your own victories, no matter how small. Gratitude for your wins keeps you motivated to keep pushing forward.
  4. Be Present: The future is important, but you can’t control it. What you can control is your effort today. Competing with gratitude means staying grounded in the present moment and appreciating what’s in front of you.
  5. Surround Yourself with Positivity: Surround yourself with people who support your journey, not those who make you feel like you’re not doing enough. Build a network of allies who celebrate your growth and encourage you to keep going.

Gratitude as a Mindset Shift

At the end of the day, competing with gratitude is a mindset shift. It’s about releasing the need for external validation and focusing on the internal progress that really matters. It’s about recognizing the abundance in your life, the growth you’ve achieved, and the strength you’ve built along the way.

By embracing gratitude as your competitor, you free yourself from the pressure of comparing yourself to others and instead focus on building a life that’s driven by purpose, resilience, and inner growth. The real win? It’s not about beating someone else. It’s about showing up every day as a stronger, more resilient version of YOU.

So, stop worrying about what everyone else is doing. Appreciate where you are right now. Recognize how far you’ve come. Compete with gratitude, and watch how far you can go.

Stress Management for High-Intensity Professions

Stress is an inevitable part of life, but for those in high-intensity professions, it can be particularly overwhelming. Whether you’re a first responder, healthcare professional, executive, or anyone with demanding responsibilities, managing stress effectively is crucial to maintaining physical, mental, and emotional health. Prolonged exposure to stress not only affects your performance but can also take a toll on your body, mind, and spirit.

When we are constantly under stress, the body’s natural responses—such as increased heart rate, elevated cortisol levels, and tension—can lead to long-term damage if not properly managed. While stress may not always be avoidable, incorporating healthy coping mechanisms into your routine can significantly reduce its impact.

The Physical Effects of Stress

Physically, stress can manifest in a variety of ways, including headaches, muscle tension, fatigue, and even digestive problems. Over time, chronic stress may weaken the immune system and contribute to more serious health issues, such as cardiovascular disease. Physical activity is one of the best ways to combat the physical effects of stress, as exercise helps release endorphins, which naturally improve mood and energy levels.

However, recovery after high-intensity days is just as important as staying active. Incorporating products like Naked Warrior Recovery into your post-work routine can support physical recovery from stress by promoting relaxation and helping your body unwind after intense periods of activity or work.

The Mental and Emotional Toll of Stress

The mental toll of stress can be equally damaging. Stress impairs cognitive function, making it harder to focus, solve problems, and make decisions. In high-intensity professions, where quick thinking and sharp judgment are essential, mental clarity is non-negotiable. Chronic stress can cloud this clarity, leading to mistakes, increased anxiety, and a feeling of being overwhelmed.

Emotionally, stress can cause irritability, mood swings, and even burnout. When the brain is under stress for prolonged periods, it struggles to process emotions properly, leading to an increased sense of frustration and emotional fatigue.

By incorporating Naked Warrior Recovery products into your daily routine, you can create a calming environment that supports mental and emotional recovery from stress. Whether it’s part of your nighttime routine or a midday practice, these products help reduce the feeling of being on high alert and assist in calming the mind so you can think clearly and recover emotionally.

The Spiritual Impact of Stress

Stress doesn’t just affect the body and mind—it can also weigh heavily on the spirit. Feeling constantly pressured or overwhelmed can disconnect you from your sense of purpose and make it harder to find joy or fulfillment in your work and personal life. High-intensity professions often carry a significant emotional burden, leaving you feeling drained, disengaged, or out of balance.

Engaging in mindfulness, meditation, or spending time in nature can help replenish your spiritual energy and provide a sense of grounding in the midst of chaos. Along with these practices, Naked Warrior Recovery products can aid in nurturing your spirit by helping you create moments of peace and relaxation, allowing you to reconnect with yourself and find balance in your busy life.

Practical Stress Management Strategies

While stress may be a natural part of high-intensity professions, managing it effectively is key to preserving your health and well-being. Here are a few practical strategies to help you reduce stress and its damaging effects:

  • Incorporate Breathing Exercises: Breathing techniques, like deep diaphragmatic breathing, can help reduce immediate feelings of stress by calming the nervous system. Practicing controlled breathing during stressful moments can lower your heart rate and promote relaxation.
  • Stay Physically Active: Regular physical activity is one of the best ways to manage stress. Exercise not only helps alleviate tension but also boosts endorphins that improve your mood. Even a short walk can help clear your mind and reduce stress. Following up physical activity with Naked Warrior Recovery products can aid your body in unwinding after intense periods of physical or mental strain.
  • Establish a Calming Routine: Creating a pre-sleep routine or post-work relaxation ritual can help you wind down from the day. This can include stretching, reading, journaling, or using wellness products like Naked Warrior Recovery to support a calming environment and aid your recovery process.
  • Build a Support Network: Connecting with friends, family, or colleagues can help alleviate feelings of isolation and provide a sense of support. Talking through challenges with others can help reduce the emotional burden of stress.
  • Mindfulness and Meditation: Engaging in mindfulness practices or meditation can significantly reduce stress by centering your thoughts and calming your mind. These practices allow you to step back, process your emotions, and reconnect with your sense of purpose.

Reducing Stress for Long-Term Health and Well-Being

Managing stress effectively isn’t just about improving performance at work—it’s about protecting your long-term health. High-intensity professions often demand quick thinking, physical endurance, and emotional resilience, but stress can erode these abilities over time. By prioritizing recovery and incorporating tools such as Naked Warrior Recovery products, you can support your body, mind, and spirit in reducing the damage caused by stress.

Whether it’s through exercise, relaxation techniques, or simply taking a few moments each day to center yourself, managing stress is essential for staying healthy, focused, and emotionally balanced. Stress may be unavoidable, but its impact can be mitigated with the right approach to recovery and well-being.

Sleep and Recovery: How Rest Impacts Performance

In today’s fast-paced world, many adults find themselves sacrificing sleep to meet the demands of their busy lives. Whether it’s juggling work, family responsibilities, or personal goals, sleep often becomes an afterthought. But quality sleep is essential for maintaining physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It plays a critical role in how we recover from the stresses of daily life, perform at our best, and stay healthy in the long term.

Sleep is much more than just a time for rest. It is a period of recovery that allows our bodies and minds to repair and recharge. Without proper sleep, performance decreases, decision-making falters, and resilience weakens. For most adults, prioritizing sleep is crucial to navigating the challenges of everyday life with energy and clarity.

The Role of Sleep in Physical Recovery

Our bodies are constantly working, whether we’re exercising, working, or managing day-to-day activities. During the day, muscles are strained, tissues are worn, and the body uses energy to function. Sleep is when our bodies undergo vital repair processes. In particular, deep sleep is when muscles recover, tissues regenerate, and the body replenishes energy reserves.

Without adequate sleep, physical recovery slows, leading to increased fatigue, muscle soreness, and even a higher risk of injury. This is especially true for individuals who lead active lives or engage in physical fitness. Quality sleep helps the body bounce back from physical stress, keeping it strong and resilient.

Incorporating wellness tools, like Naked Warrior Recovery products, into your nighttime routine can support the body’s natural recovery process and contribute to better-quality sleep, helping you wake up feeling more refreshed.

Sleep and Cognitive Performance

While the physical benefits of sleep are widely known, its effects on mental performance are equally important. During sleep, the brain consolidates information from the day, processes emotions, and enhances memory retention. This is particularly valuable for anyone balancing complex tasks, problem-solving, or learning new skills.

When we don’t get enough sleep, cognitive function suffers. Reaction times slow, attention wanes, and decision-making abilities weaken. For most adults, these impairments can affect job performance, relationships, and personal well-being. Whether you’re working in a high-pressure job or managing a household, a lack of quality sleep can reduce your effectiveness and lead to mistakes or forgetfulness.

By getting adequate, quality sleep each night, you’re allowing your brain to reset and recharge, ensuring that you are mentally sharp and ready for whatever the day brings. Integrating products like Naked Warrior Recovery into your bedtime routine can help create a more calming environment, promoting restful sleep and better cognitive function.

Emotional and Psychological Recovery During Sleep

Sleep is not just for the body and mind—it’s also essential for emotional well-being. Throughout the day, we experience a wide range of emotions and stressors that can build up and affect our mood. Sleep is when our brains process these emotions, helping us regulate stress and cope with difficult situations.

When we cut short our sleep, we’re depriving ourselves of the opportunity to process emotions and recharge emotionally. This can lead to irritability, anxiety, or even burnout. Most adults have felt the effects of emotional strain after a poor night’s sleep—feeling more easily overwhelmed or unable to handle the usual challenges of the day.

Ensuring you get enough sleep allows your brain to process emotional experiences and improve emotional resilience. Adding calming practices to your routine, such as using Naked Warrior Recovery products, can support relaxation and emotional recovery, helping you feel more balanced and less stressed.

Practical Tips for Improving Sleep Quality

Given how critical sleep is to overall well-being, here are some practical tips to help you improve the quality of your sleep and, in turn, enhance your physical, mental, and emotional recovery:

  • Stick to a Regular Sleep Schedule: Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. Consistency trains your body’s internal clock, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up refreshed.
  • Create a Relaxing Bedtime Routine: Establish a calming pre-sleep routine that helps signal to your body that it’s time for rest. This could include reading, meditating, or incorporating Naked Warrior Recovery products to help you unwind.
  • Limit Screen Time: The blue light from screens can interfere with melatonin production, which helps regulate sleep. Avoid using electronic devices at least 30 minutes before bed to improve your sleep quality.
  • Optimize Your Sleep Environment: Make sure your bedroom is conducive to sleep. A cool, dark, and quiet room can significantly improve your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. You may also want to consider adding relaxing scents or other wellness products that encourage better rest.
  • Be Mindful of What You Eat and Drink: Avoid heavy meals, caffeine, and alcohol close to bedtime. These can interfere with your ability to fall asleep and disrupt your sleep cycle.
  • Incorporate Relaxation Techniques: Techniques like deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or mindfulness can ease tension and help you drift off to sleep. Naked Warrior Recovery products can also aid in creating a more relaxed environment, supporting a smoother transition into sleep.

Prioritizing Sleep for Long-Term Health and Performance

Sleep is one of the most important pillars of long-term health, yet it is often the first thing sacrificed in our busy lives. But quality sleep is not a luxury—it’s a necessity for maintaining energy, cognitive sharpness, and emotional balance. By making sleep a priority, you set yourself up for success in all areas of life.

Better sleep leads to improved focus, better physical recovery, enhanced emotional resilience, and stronger overall well-being. Integrating tools like Naked Warrior Recovery into your sleep routine can further enhance your rest, helping you get the quality sleep you need to face the demands of everyday life.

Whether you’re looking to improve your health, boost your performance at work, or simply feel more balanced and well-rested, sleep is the foundation that will help you achieve those goals. Make it a priority, and everything else will follow.

Creating a Routine for Sustainable Recovery

For veterans and first responders, the importance of recovery can’t be overstated. After enduring intense physical and mental demands, developing a daily routine that supports long-term recovery is essential for maintaining both health and performance. A well-balanced routine that incorporates mental, emotional, and physical recovery allows individuals to remain resilient, effective, and ready for the challenges ahead.

Physical Recovery: Begin with consistent physical activity that supports healing rather than overexertion. Stretching, yoga, or low-impact exercises like swimming can be incorporated daily. This helps prevent muscle stiffness, improves flexibility, and maintains overall fitness without causing further strain. Some veterans and first responders choose to integrate products from Naked Warrior Recovery as part of their recovery routine to complement their physical practices.

Mental and Emotional Recovery: Mental recovery should include time for relaxation and mindfulness. Meditation, journaling, or even quiet walks can help clear the mind and reduce stress. Daily practices like these enable emotional processing and mental resilience, preventing burnout over time. Incorporating products like those from Naked Warrior Recovery may help create a calming environment during these activities, enhancing the overall recovery process.

Nutrition and Hydration: Fueling your body with the right nutrients and staying hydrated are key components of recovery. Ensure your daily routine includes balanced meals and sufficient water intake, which support the body’s healing processes. Many choose to include supplements and wellness products such as Naked Warrior Recovery CBD as part of their overall wellness plan.

By dedicating time to recovery every day, you’ll not only feel stronger but also increase your capacity to perform at your best for the long haul.

Shielding Your Health and How Naked Warrior Recovery’s Body Armor Prepares You for Cold and Flu Season

As the summer sun begins to fade, signaling the end of the warm days and long nights, we find ourselves gearing up for another inevitable season: cold and flu season. With the shift in weather, our bodies are often more susceptible to illnesses, making it crucial to bolster our immune systems now more than ever. Enter Naked Warrior Recovery’s Body Armor—a product designed to protect and enhance your immune defense while also aiding in recovery from intense physical exertion.

The Importance of a Strong Immune System

Your immune system is your body’s first line of defense against infections. As the seasons change, the combination of cooler temperatures and more time spent indoors can create a breeding ground for viruses like the common cold and flu. While vaccines and healthy habits are essential, having a robust immune system is your best bet to avoid falling ill or to recover more quickly if you do.

A compromised immune system doesn’t just increase your risk of catching a cold; it can also affect your overall energy levels, mental clarity, and even your ability to recover from physical exertion. This is where proactive measures, such as maintaining a healthy lifestyle and incorporating immunity-boosting supplements like Body Armor, come into play.

Why Body Armor?

Naked Warrior Recovery’s Body Armor isn’t just another supplement; it’s a comprehensive tool designed to fortify your immune system and enhance your body’s natural defenses. Packed with ingredients that support immune health, Body Armor is particularly beneficial as we transition into a season where the risk of illness is higher.

But its benefits don’t stop there. Body Armor is also instrumental in helping your body recover from heavy workouts. As someone who has just completed their 4th Navy SEAL Swim in NYC, I can attest to the importance of focused recovery. After pushing my body to its limits, recovery became a massive focus for two to three days. During this critical period, Body Armor played a vital role in helping my muscles repair and my body restore itself to peak condition.

Recovery and Immune Support in One Package

What sets Body Armor apart is its dual action. While it’s designed to bolster your immune system, it also supports muscle recovery—a crucial aspect for anyone who trains hard. Whether you’re an athlete, a weekend warrior, or someone just looking to stay healthy through the winter months, Body Armor offers the support you need.

The carefully selected ingredients work together to reduce inflammation, fight off oxidative stress, and promote faster recovery times. This means that not only are you better protected against seasonal illnesses, but you’re also giving your body the tools it needs to bounce back quicker from intense physical activity.

Preparing for the Season Ahead

As we move into the colder months, now is the perfect time to start taking care of your immune system. Incorporating Naked Warrior Recovery’s Body Armor into your daily routine can provide you with the extra layer of protection you need against the common cold and flu. Plus, it ensures that your recovery process, whether from a tough workout or a significant physical challenge like a Navy SEAL Swim, is as efficient and effective as possible.

Don’t let the upcoming cold and flu season catch you off guard. Strengthen your defenses and ensure you’re ready to face whatever challenges come your way with the help of Body Armor. It’s not just about staying healthy—it’s about staying strong, resilient, and prepared for anything.

Leadership Lessons from Mount Kilimanjaro

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro is not just a physical challenge; it’s a journey that demands mental fortitude, strategic preparation, and unyielding determination. As a Navy SEAL, these principles are ingrained in my approach to any mission, and my ascent to the summit of Africa’s highest peak served as a powerful metaphor for effective leadership. Here’s what the climb reflected about endurance, preparation, the SHOOT-MOVE-COMMUNICATE principle, and the mindset required to lead.

The Importance of Preparation and Acclimatization

Just as in any mission, preparation is crucial. I spent time at high altitudes in the United States to acclimate, ensuring my body could handle the reduced oxygen levels, so I climbed Pike’s Peak in Denver as my “dry run.” This preparation mirrors the need for leaders to thoroughly understand the environment and potential obstacles before embarking on any significant endeavor. Proper acclimatization—both physically and mentally—sets the stage for success and minimizes unforeseen risks.

Setting Priorities and Committing to the Goal

Making the climb safely was a top priority and essential for my success (reflecting the commitment required in leadership). In the SEALs, we are trained to set clear, achievable goals and to commit fully to them. This dedication not only focuses our efforts but also inspires those we lead. By prioritizing preparation and training, leaders can build a foundation of trust and reliability within their teams.

Facing Challenges with Confidence

During the climb, my preparation allowed me to confront physical and mental challenges with confidence. Similarly, a well-prepared leader faces challenges head-on, using their skills and knowledge to navigate through difficulties – especially the cold. Confidence in leadership fosters trust and resilience within the team, empowering them to tackle obstacles without hesitation.

The Power of Endurance and Resilience

Reaching the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro was a testament to my endurance and resilience—qualities that are pivotal in the SEALs. In leadership, endurance is the ability to persist despite setbacks, while resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. Leaders who embody these traits can maintain momentum and inspire their teams to keep pushing forward, even when the going gets tough.


One of the core principles I applied during the climb was the Navy SEAL strategy of SHOOT-MOVE-COMMUNICATE. This approach, crucial in combat, is equally valuable in leadership and team dynamics:

  • SHOOT: This represents taking decisive action. On Kilimanjaro, this meant making quick, informed decisions about our pace, rest stops, and strategies to tackle difficult sections of the climb. As a leader, I ensured that every move was calculated and purposeful, keeping our objective clear.
  • MOVE: Constant progression is essential. We maintained a steady pace, adapting our movement to the changing terrain and weather conditions. In leadership, moving forward means adapting and progressing despite obstacles. By keeping the team moving, we maintained momentum and avoided stagnation.
  • COMMUNICATE: Clear communication was vital throughout the climb. I ensured that my team and I were always in sync, sharing information about our physical conditions, environmental changes, and any immediate concerns. Effective communication ensured that everyone was aware of their role and could contribute to our collective success.

Learning and Growth

The climb reflected that with the right mindset and preparation, seemingly insurmountable challenges can be overcome. Leaders must embrace continuous learning and growth, much like SEALs who constantly train and adapt. By seeking out experiences that enhance their abilities and broaden their perspectives, leaders can guide their teams more effectively and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

Utilizing Knowledge, Skill, and Mindset

Climbing Kilimanjaro was not just about physical endurance; it was about utilizing my knowledge, skill, and mindset to check off one more life challenge. In the SEALs, we are trained to do the hard things and to do them well. This climb was a testament to that training, demonstrating that with the right preparation and attitude, any challenge can be met and overcome.

Embracing Future Challenges

Just as the experience of climbing Kilimanjaro prepared me for future endeavors, leaders must continually seek out new challenges and opportunities for growth. This mindset ensures that they—and their teams—are always ready to face whatever comes next, building a legacy of resilience and achievement.

The journey to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro reflects valuable leadership lessons from a Navy SEAL’s perspective. It underscores the importance of preparation, setting priorities, facing challenges with confidence, and embodying endurance and resilience. These lessons, combined with the SHOOT-MOVE-COMMUNICATE principle, are crucial for any leader looking to guide their team to success, proving that with the right approach, any challenge can be conquered.

Embrace Life, Let Go of Fear, and Live Boldly

“Fear doesn’t stop death. It stops life. Life is short. Stop living in fear, take risks, be bold, be willing to get hurt, and live your best life!” This powerful quote, recently shared on my Instagram, sums up a philosophy that many of us struggle to embrace fully. In a world full of uncertainties, it is all too easy to let fear dictate our choices, suppressing our potential and dimming our experiences. Yet, at the heart of life lies taking risks, facing challenges head-on, and allowing ourselves to grow through our experiences with both success and failure.

The Paradox of Fear

Fear is a natural emotion designed to protect us from harm. However, when fear becomes a dominant force in our lives, it can prevent us from truly living. The paradox of fear is that while it aims to keep us safe, it often keeps us from the very experiences that make life meaningful.

Avoiding risks may shield us from immediate danger, but it also means missing out on opportunities for joy, growth, and fulfillment. When we live in a constant state of caution, we are not really living—we are merely existing.

Taking Risks: The Path to Growth

Every significant achievement in history has been the result of someone taking a risk. From inventors and explorers to artists and entrepreneurs, those who have left their mark on the world did so by stepping into the unknown. They faced the possibility of failure, ridicule, and even physical danger, yet their willingness to take risks led to discoveries and innovations that have shaped our world.

In our own lives, taking risks does not necessarily mean making grand gestures. It can be as simple as starting a new hobby, pursuing a passion project, or stepping out of our comfort zones in social situations. These small acts of bravery can lead to profound personal growth and a deeper understanding of ourselves and our capabilities.

The Boldness to Live Fully

Being bold is not about being reckless; it is about being courageous. It involves making conscious decisions to pursue what we truly want, even when the outcome is uncertain. Boldness requires us to be willing to get hurt, to face setbacks, and to embrace failure as a part of the learning process.

When we adopt a bold approach to life, we open ourselves up to a wealth of experiences that enrich our existence. We develop resilience, creativity, and a greater sense of purpose. By daring to be bold, we break free from the limitations imposed by fear and begin to live life on our own terms.

The Reality of Pain and the Beauty of Healing

Fear of pain—whether physical, emotional, or psychological—often holds us back. Yet, pain is an inevitable part of the human experience. Rather than avoiding it, we should learn to confront and embrace it. Pain can be a powerful teacher, revealing our strengths and weaknesses and guiding us toward healing and growth.

When we allow ourselves to feel pain, we also open the door to profound healing. We learn to let go of what no longer serves us, to forgive, and to move forward with a renewed sense of clarity and purpose. The scars we carry become symbols of our resilience and our journey toward living our best lives.

Live Your Best Life

To live your best life, you must be willing to take risks, be bold, and accept the possibility of getting hurt. This does not mean seeking out danger but rather embracing opportunities for growth and fulfillment, even when they come with the potential for discomfort.

Life is too short to be governed by fear. Each day is an opportunity to make choices that align with our true desires and values. By stepping out of our comfort zones, we discover the vast potential within ourselves and the world around us.

Stop living in fear, take risks, be bold, be willing to get hurt, and live your best life serve as a reminder to embrace the uncertainty and beauty of life. Take the risks, face the challenges, and live boldly. Your best life is waiting for you—just beyond the horizon of fear.

Are You Really Leading?

In a few weeks, I along with my friend and co-author Brenda Neckvatal, are releasing our book – my first book. We came together to talk about our unique experiences and common vision on leading high-performing teams. In the book, I talk about how when SEAL leaders who are focused about being in a gunfight risk losing their team because they’re more focused on BEING in the gunfight rather than leading the mission forward.

It’s no different when a business owner finds themselves working IN the business instead of ON it, and wonders why he can’t move the business forward. Some leaders can’t see the bigger picture, only what’s framed around them. I grew up in a very small town in the deep South, and the work culture of the United States at that time was very different than what we know today.

In the 1970s and 1980s, I watched the average small business owner navigate a challenging economic landscape with high inflation and competition from larger corporations. They were expected to be adaptable, resourceful, and committed, often putting in long hours to ensure their business’s survival and growth.

Success relied heavily on building strong customer relationships, maintaining quality, and effectively managing finances and employees. Because of this mindset, small business owners worked in their business rather than on it due to the hands-on nature of small business management during that period. Limited access to advanced technology and automation required owners to be directly involved in daily operations, from managing employees to serving customers. Competition from larger corporations also meant owners had to be deeply engaged in all aspects of their business to ensure quality and build strong customer relationships, leaving little time for strategic planning and long-term growth initiatives.

For new business launches that are more self-funded or bootstrapped than financially backed, it’s easy for leaders to come armed and take on the role of a one-man band. However, when they begin to increase their cash flow, it’s time to start shifting from working in your business to working on its growth and future development. I hear Brenda talk about her multiple businesses and make statements about how she’s going to fire herself from doing this small job and put someone else in place. What she’s saying is that she’s pulling out of the gunfight and focusing more on the business landscape in front of her.

SEAL leaders are no different in this regard, and that’s why I included this as an entire chapter in our new book (which you can learn more about by clicking here). If you want to become a stronger leader who masters working on the team rather than in it, then keep an eye out for the book release date and start your transformation into becoming a high-performing team leader.

Grit in Leadership

Recently, I’ve been exploring the dynamics of masculine and feminine energy in leadership, alongside the importance of acknowledging emotions. If you’ve been following my journey, you know that I’m committed to building a strong foundation for mental health. And at the core of that foundation lies grit.

Grit is what keeps us going when faced with life’s toughest challenges. It’s the resilience to persevere, even when the urge to give up is strong. Grit isn’t just about toughness; it’s about being honest with ourselves and tapping into both masculine and feminine energies.

I recently took on the challenge of co-authoring a 200-page book. It was a daunting task, considering I had no prior experience. Wrestling with imposter syndrome and moments of doubt, I contributed to half of the book’s content. Through this process, I learned that grit and emotions are deeply intertwined.

In our inaugural Mission Ready podcast episode, my co-author Brenda and I shared how we met at a funeral. Brenda exemplifies grit in action. Despite life’s challenges, she keeps moving forward, rarely showing vulnerability. Witnessing her resilience over the years has been inspiring.

Leadership requires a balance of masculine and feminine energies. Strong women often draw upon masculine energy to navigate challenges while embracing their emotional depth. On the other hand, men are often conditioned to suppress emotions, relying solely on masculine energy to power through tough times.

However, this imbalance can lead to discomfort when faced with emotional displays, especially from women, in professional settings. Men, burdened by societal expectations, may struggle to relate to or empathize with these expressions.

Embracing grit isn’t about conforming to rigid gender norms; it’s about embracing the full spectrum of human experience. True grit requires vulnerability, strength, and authenticity. By acknowledging and balancing both masculine and feminine energies, we unlock our true potential as leaders.

As we navigate the complexities of leadership, let’s remember that true strength lies in embracing our humanity fully. By nurturing grit and emotional intelligence, we can cultivate resilient leaders who inspire positive change.

From SEAL to CEO: Mastering Business with Military Precision

As a retired US Navy SEAL, transitioning from the discipline and rigor of military operations to the dynamic world of entrepreneurship, I’ve observed a parallel in the importance of strategic planning, delegation, and leadership in both arenas. To my fellow entrepreneurs and business leaders, I offer insights grounded in my experience, emphasizing the necessity of taking your business seriously for it to thrive and grow. If you’re not taking your business seriously, it’s just a hobby.

The Importance of a Cost Matrix

Firstly, understanding and managing your operational costs through a detailed cost matrix is akin to planning a mission with precision. This matrix is your blueprint for financial health, enabling you to:

  • Navigate Financial Waters: Just as in navigation, knowing every detail of your financial landscape allows for informed decision-making and strategic planning.
  • Ensure Mission Viability: Assessing costs ensures your business operations are sustainable, allowing you to set prices that cover costs while generating a profit.
  • Optimize Resource Allocation: Identifying areas of excess expenditure and reallocating resources effectively is crucial, much like managing limited resources in a mission scenario.

Neglecting this financial foresight is like embarking on a mission without a clear map, leading to potential pitfalls and resource depletion.

The Art of Delegation

In the SEALs, trust in your team’s abilities and effective delegation are paramount. This principle holds true in business as well:

  • Maximize Operational Efficiency: Delegate tasks to those with the specialized skills to execute them, enhancing productivity and quality of output.
  • Focus on Strategic Leadership: Free yourself from the weeds of daily operations to concentrate on growth strategies, innovation, and exploring new markets.
  • Build a Scalable Structure: A business, much like a SEAL team, must operate efficiently at any scale. Effective delegation ensures that your operation can expand without compromising performance.

Failure to delegate is a critical bottleneck that can stunt growth and limit your business’s potential.

Evolving Leadership Responsibilities

As your business grows, so too must your role evolve. My experience in the field has taught me that leadership is not static; it demands adaptation:

  • Strategic Vision and Guidance: Moving from hands-on operations to a role focused on the strategic direction and long-term objectives of your business is essential.
  • Inspire and Lead Your Team: Leadership involves guiding your team towards achieving collective goals, fostering a culture of excellence, and mentoring future leaders.
  • Manage Risks and Challenges: Identifying and mitigating risks becomes increasingly complex as your business grows. A proactive approach to risk management is crucial for sustainability.

Clinging to the operational roles of your early days can prevent you from seeing the bigger picture and seizing opportunities for growth.

The transition from a Navy SEAL to an entrepreneur has reinforced my belief in the importance of rigorous planning, effective delegation, and adaptive leadership in business. These principles are not only the backbone of successful military operations but also the foundation of thriving businesses. By embracing these strategies, entrepreneurs and business leaders can navigate the challenges of the business world with the precision and effectiveness of a SEAL mission.